Basic concepts and how do I change the workspace?

This manual uses terms and words that may not be immediately clear. Under the heading ‘Basic concepts’, we will briefly explain these terms/words.


In addition, we will review the appearance of the application and how it can be customised to your own preferences, if necessary.


Basic concepts:

  • Workspace: this refers to the layout of the application itself. In particular, the visibility and location of the various windows.
  • main menu: click on the Engage Process logo in the upper left corner to open the main menu.
  • Table type: this refers to an additional field within the Modeler (and therefore also Viewer).
  • Two-step verification: this refers to a security option where, in addition to a password, a code must be entered that is obtained from one of the following apps on the smartphone: Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator.
  • CSV: this is a specific file format and stands for ‘Comma Separated Value’. This format can be used to import data into the Admin Centre, as well as to export from the Admin Centre, so that this data can be imported into another application if necessary.
  • Diagrams: this is the collective name for processes and brainstorms.



There is one other way to customise the Admin Center workspace. Namely, you can hide the bar on the left showing the various components within Admin Center. To do this, click on the hamburger menu in the top left. Click this again to make the bar reappear.