Basic concepts and how do I change the workspace?

This guide uses terms and words that may not be immediately obvious. Under the heading 'Basic concepts' we will briefly explain these terms/words.


In addition, an explanation is given about the appearance of the application and how it can be adjusted to your own preference.


Basic concepts

  • Workspace: this refers to the layout of the application itself. In particular, the visibility and location of the various windows.
  • Main menu: click on the Engage Process logo at the top left of the application (see below). This will open the main menu of the application.
  • Waffle menu: these are the 3x3 small squares at the top right of the application (see below). Click on this to start another module of Engage Process.
  • Diagram: This is the collective name for processes, brainstorms and overviews.
  • Project: This is a collection of diagrams that are usually divided into a folder structure.
  • Tables: these are lists containing data that can be used to leave certain information in a process (step).
  • Roles: these are the different types of employees who perform a certain activity in a process. Sometimes there are (also) job names here. A job can consist of multiple roles (1), but a role can also be performed by different jobs (2).
    • Example of 1: the position "product consultant" has the roles: advisor, trainer and support employee.
    • Example of 2: the role "order" (of e.g. office supplies) can belong to the positions: product consultant, sales manager or programmer.
  • Documents: this is the collective name of documents linked to a process (step), such as: guidelines, policy, work instructions, decision trees, example documents, job descriptions, instructional videos, etc., but also the input and/or output of a process (step) of the type 'Document'.
  • Table type: this is a field that is created locally (within the project) or centrally (within the Admin Centre) and to which one or more tables with data are linked.
  • Analysis: This refers to both the visual and arithmetic analysis capabilities within the application.
  • Evaluation: this is the mathematical calculation of the process.
  • Indicators: these are the key figures of a process to be filled in or calculated, such as: processing time, lead time and costs.
  • Cross-references: this refers to reporting. These can be actual cross-references, but also more complex reports. As a rule, you can report on almost anything.
  • Reporting: this means two different things in the Modeler, namely:
    1. A process report, where you can export the process diagram and/or data recorded in the process and the process steps to PDF, Word or Excel. You will then receive a process description in document or table form.
    2. A standard present or a cross-reference made by yourself.
  • Findings: These are observations that are made based on the process, such as problems that arise or ideas for improvement.


The Modeler's workspace (see below) consists of a number of parts. Some of these parts can be brought out or hidden or placed in a different place. The workspace of the Modeler is therefore very flexible and can be completely arranged according to your own preference!

The workspace shown above is the default workspace of the Modeler. Below we explain the components of this standard workspace.


Title bar:

This is the blue bar at the very top of the application.

  • On the left, you'll find the buttons for Undo, Redo, and the button to save manually.
  • In the middle is the name of the open project you are currently working on.
  • On the right side you will find (from left to right) the logo of Engage Process with links to our support form and Knowledge Centre behind it. Next to it is the user icon. Here you will see your initials or your profile picture with the option to change your password, unsubscribe or view the details of the subscription. You may not find all the options. This has to do with authorisation and design. Finally, you will find the waffle menu. Clicking on this will bring up a menu where you can quickly and easily go to another module of Engage Process.


The Ribbon:

By the "Ribbon" we mean the tab with buttons at the top of the application. Below is a brief explanation per tab:

  • Logo Engage Process: clicking on this will open the main menu of the Modeler. Here you can set your preferences, print a process (report) and you will find options to import and export diagrams.
  • Home: Here you will find all the buttons you need to create a diagram.
  • Layout: Here you will find all the buttons you need to show or hide data or icons or to change a process in a different view.
  • Design: Here you will find all the buttons to increase the readability of the process map. For example, you can make text boxes larger, move parts of the process or add text blocks.
  • Analysis: Here you will find all the buttons you need to calculate a process, view the statistics of a process or compare two processes with each other.
  • View: Here you will find all the buttons you need to change the layout of the application or show a hidden window.
  • Tables: Here you will find all the buttons you need to use central tables that are in the Engage Process Admin Centre.
  • Collaboration: Here you will find all the buttons you need to set up authorisation, create versions of the project or a diagram, or offer a process for approval or publication.
  • Comments: All the buttons you need to handle comments made on a chart.
  • Findings: Here you will find all the buttons you need to handle findings given on a diagram or send them to a board in the Engage Process Teamboard.
  • Reports: Here you will find all the buttons you need to view standard reports or create and save your own report.
  • Help: Here you will find the shortcuts to our Knowledge Center and support-fo


Please note! The number of tabs present depends on the type of subscription of Engage Process. So you may see fewer tabs, but also fewer buttons per tab.


Please note! Depending on the authorisation you have as a user, some buttons will not be able to be used. They remain 'grey'.


Process window:

This is the largest window in the centre of the image. This window shows the diagram, i.e. the process or brainstorm.


Project window:

In this window, at the bottom left of the application, you will find an overview of the linked central tables and local tables and of course diagrams divided into a folder structure.


Please note! Depending on the authorisation you have as a user, you may not see certain content in this window.


Description window:

In this window, at the bottom of the application, you can find an explanation of the process, a table value or the selected process step. This explanation gives the user a better understanding of the process and the information recorded in the process.


Remarks window:

In this window, at the bottom of the application as a tab behind the 'Description' window, you can find comments that have been left on the process or the selected process step, e.g. suggestions for improvement or points of attention.


Annotations window:

In this window, at the bottom of the application as a tab behind the 'Description' window, you can find notes that have been left on the process or the selected process step, e.g. actions following a process workshop to find out or ask something else or a "log" of the most relevant changes of the process over time.


Properties window:

In this window, on the right side of the application, you will find the properties of the selected item in the Project window or in the Process window.


Please note! To see the properties of an item in the Project window, click once on the item whose properties you want to see.


Document window:

In this window, on the right side of the application as a tab behind the 'Properties' window, you can view linked documents and the input and/or output of the 'Document' type of the process or selected process step.


How can I change the layout of the application?

The layout of the Modeler's window is flexible. Depending on what you're working on, it may be more convenient to use a different layout. Within the Modeler you can choose between a number of different workspaces or you can create your own layout that you can also save. Below is an explanation of how to do that.


Choose a different workspace

The Engage Process Modeler features a number of different workspaces for you to choose from. This is done as follows:

  • Click the View tab, then click the Workspace Layout button.
  • In the window that appears, choose the workspace you want to use by clicking on it.
  • The layout of the application will be changed.
  • Click on the 'Save workspace' button on the 'View' tab if you want the Modeler to start with the chosen workspace by default from now on.


Create and save your own workspace

There are several ways to customize the layout of the Modeler itself, namely:

  • Hiding the visible window by clicking on the cross at the top right of the window (see image below).
  • Minimising a window by clicking on the print pin in the top right corner of the window. The window will collapse at the edge of the application where the window was located and will remain on the screen as a blue bar. By clicking on the blue bar, the window opens. If you click next to it again, the window collapses again. Click the print pin again to lock the window (see image above).
  • Showing a hidden window by clicking the Show Window button on the View tab and selecting the window you want to view. The window will appear in the last known location.
  • Moving a window by clicking on the name of a window at the top and holding down the mouse button. Move the window where you want it to be and all kinds of icons appear on the screen where you can "release" the window. You do this by hovering over such an icon with the arrow of your mouse. A blue area shows where the window will be (see screenshot below). Release the mouse button to move the window to the location shown.

  • Moving window which is now as a tab behind another window. Click on the tab with the name of the window and hold down your mouse button. Move the window where you want it to be and all kinds of icons appear on the screen where you can "release" the window. You do this by hovering over such an icon with the arrow of your mouse. A blue area shows where the window will be (see screenshot above). Release the mouse button to move the window to the location shown.


Tip! You can also place a window as a tab behind another window. Then release the window in the middle of the symbol that appears (see image below).

If you have created a nice layout, save it by clicking on the 'Save workspace' button on the 'View' tab. This layout will be the layout from that moment on when you start the Modeler.