How can I open a process?

Navigation pane, overviews and 'What's new in this version?'

Opening processes can be done in several different ways. Below is an explanation of the various possibilities. Depending on the environment setup and subscription type, one or some of the options below may not apply.


Navigation window

Both shared and published processes can be accessed via the navigation window on the left-hand side of the application. If this window is not visible on the left, you can bring it up by clicking on the vertical green bar with the white triangle in the middle on the far left.


At the top of the navigation window, choose whether you want to view shared or published processes. Shared processes are all listed below each other without being divided into categories. This is because shared processes are temporary in nature. Once they can be published, they will be neatly placed in a process structure. Search the list for the process you want to open and click on it. The process will appear on the screen.


Published processes can be divided into various categories. Think of it as a folder structure. Click on the name of a category and a new window folds open, showing the contents of the selected category. Repeat as necessary until you see the process listed and then click on the process name. The process will appear on the screen.



Often, navigating to one, or a few processes is done by using overviews. Overviews are a kind of internet page with images and clickable shapes that represent different categories. Clicking on a category can open a new overview or show a list of processes, or open a process to appear immediately.


What is new in this version?

In many cases, organisations are practicing continuous improvement. New versions of a process can be shared/published all the time. Of course, it is interesting to know exactly what has changed in the process compared to the previous version(s). That information can be provided by the process designer and can be viewed by clicking on the asterisk behind the process name at the top of the application (see below).

Viewer What is new in this version

In the window that appears, you can see all the previous versions with an accompanying description of the changes and/or implemented reactions to the previous version(s) of a process. You can find the implemented reactions by clicking on the green text ‘More...’.