The Modeler manual explains how Findings can be created to a process (step). You can also send a selection of these Findings to a board in Teamboard. To do this, however, a Teamboard must meet a few requirements. In this article, we will elaborate on how to make an existing or new teamboard suitable for receiving Findings from the Modeler.
To check if a board is suitable, open the board and click the cog at the top of the screen behind the board name to view the board settings.
The window that appears shows at the bottom whether the board is suitable or not. If the board is suitable then you don't need to do anything more! If the board is not yet suitable, the application will help you make it suitable. To do so, click on the text ‘What does this mean?
Below is an example of what you might see:
The actions to be taken are divided into two categories, namely ‘General’ and by type of work item, in our example this is an ‘Action’.
‘General’ shows which fields need to be added to the board. This can also be done via the ‘Board settings’ under the ‘Fields’ category. Click the ‘Add’ button and give the new field a name of your choice and, under ‘Type’, select the type mentioned in the window above. Repeat this for any other steps that need to be made.
Finally, these newly created fields must be placed on at least one of the existing forms. To do this, in the ‘Board settings’, click on, in our example, ‘Actions. If there is only one form, add the fields to this form by ticking them. The order of the fields can be changed if necessary by clicking on the six dots behind the field and moving the field.
If necessary, repeat this for other forms within this board. You can select a different form by clicking on the triangle with the dot at the top of the window behind the form name and selecting another form.
Finally, in the ‘Board settings’, check that in the ‘General’ section, the text ‘This board is suitable to be used for findings.’ has now appeared at the bottom.