How can I print a process?

Print a diagram or create a report.

The Engage Process Viewer is the tool for looking at processes and the information captured in them. The Viewer allows you to look at the same process from multiple angles. When you click on a process step, you only see the information that belongs to that step. No more and no less. You can also easily zoom in on the content of subprocesses. Even if the process is complex or consists of many steps, you can easily navigate through the process by using the scroll bars at the sides and bottom.


In short, the Viewer gives you possibilities that paper cannot. Nevertheless, we realise that it is sometimes desirable to print out a process diagram or a process report. This way, it is easier to scribble down the process or hang the process diagram on the wall so that it has a strong visual presence within your organisation.


Print process diagram

If you only want to print the process diagram, click the hamburger menu in the top left-hand corner and click ‘Print diagram’. You can now choose to export the process to PDF or Word. After making your choice, a window will appear offering you some options. Finally, press ‘Done’ and a PDF or Word document will be created for you in the background. Your internet browser will automatically prompt you that the document is ready in the ‘Downloads’ folder.

Open the document and then choose ‘print’ in the application in which the document is opened.


Printing a process report

A process report is a document that shows the information recorded in the process and the process steps. You can also show the process diagram in this process report if you want.

To print a process report, click the hamburger menu at the top left and click ‘Print report’. You can now choose to export the process to PDF or Word. After making your choice, a window will appear offering you some options. Click ‘Next’ to determine the content of your process report, namely which types of process steps, which captured data you want to include in the report and in which layout the document should be drawn up.

Finally, press ‘Done’ and a PDF or Word document will be created for you in the background. Your internet browser will automatically come up with a notification that the document is ready in the ‘Downloads’ folder.

Open the document and then choose print in the application in which the document is opened.