How can I see which users are logged in?

In this article, we look at the ‘Active sessions’ section in the Engage Process Admin Centre. Here you will find information about which users are currently working in which module of the Engage Process Platform.


Which sessions are currently active?

To see who is currently working in which module, click on the ‘Active sessions’ section in the Admin Center on the left. You will get an overview of all currently active users and in which module they are working.


Note! At this moment, it is not shown which users are working in the Admin Center.


How do I end an active session?

Active sessions can also be aborted in the Admin Center. This may be necessary for subscriptions where the number of concurrent users is limited. A user may have forgotten to close the application, keeping an active session running unnecessarily and thus preventing the next user from logging in, as the number of concurrent users has already been reached.


Ending a session is done as follows:

- Go to the ‘Active sessions’ section in the Admin Center.

- Click on the user whose session you want to end and right-click on the ‘Abort session’ button that has just appeared.

- A question will follow asking if you are sure you want to do this. Click ‘Yes’ and session will be aborted.


Note! Should a wrong session be accidentally terminated, there are no major consequences. The user will be notified within a few minutes that there is no longer a connection and that the application will be restarted after clicking <Agree>. In the worst-case scenario, the user loses the work of (up to) the last 5 min.