How do I create a new Teamboard or open an existing one?

How to create and open a Teamboard and all about Templates.

How do I create a new Teamboard?

After starting Teamboard for the very first time, you will initially see a large white area. This is because no board has been created or opened yet.


To create new boards, users need role permissions to ‘Create Teamboard’. Only with this role will you see the option for ‘New Board’ after clicking the menu button at the top left (also known as the ‘hamburger menu’). Don't see this option? Contact the Engage Process administrator within your organisation.


To create a new board, click ‘New Board’. A menu will appear where you can choose from the following options:

  • Use one of the available templates (see below for an explanation of the templates available);
  • Use one of the existing boards as a template.


In the dialogue that appears, enter the desired name and press Agree.


A new sign will now be created. It opens automatically in the set default view. You can now start adding work items (tasks) to this board.


By default, you are the only user with access to this board. If you want to share this board with other users, you can do so by adjusting the authorisation.


A board can be completely divided and customised according to your own preferences and requirements by adjusting/adding the board settings.



To create a new board, you can choose from one of the templates below. A template ensures that the new board already contains a logical set of fields and forms, so that you don't have to start from scratch.

Below is a brief explanation for each template:

  • Process improvement board (e.g. findings in the Engage Process Modeler)

This board contains fields and forms to record problems / challenges and ideas for improvement. Fields such as: ‘Feasibility’ (of the solution) and ‘Improvement suggestion’ are included.


  • Improvement board

See above, but without the ability to send findings from the Modeler to this board.


  • Action list

This is the simplest board to record actions and any underlying tasks. This board contains a minimal set of data, including: ‘Assigned to’ and ‘Short description’ and only one form.


  • Audit board

This board contains fields and a form for the (internal) auditor within the organisation. Here, the auditor can record any non-conformities or compliance challenges found and track the completion of tasks to address these issues.

  • Support board

This board contains fields and forms for recording errors, wishes and questions. This board could be used by application managers, for example.

  • Error registration

See above, but only for registering errors and wishes.

  • Event planner

This board contains fields and a form for registering events. Fields such as: ‘Venue’ and ‘Speaker(s)’ appear in it.



If you still want to start with a ‘blank’ board, we recommend that you choose the ‘Action List’ template. This is the simplest template which may require the least removal or modification to create your completely custom board from scratch.


How do I open an existing Teamboard?

When Teamboard is started, it will always open the last used board automatically. Of course, you can also open another board. To do so, click on the ‘hamburger’ icon at the very top left and select:

  • ‘Recent board’, to see an overview of the most recently used boards. Click on a board to open it.
  • ‘All boards’, to see an overview of all boards for which you as a user are authorised to open. Simply click on a board to open it.