How do I grant users access to the environment?

In the Engage Process Admin Center, you can determine who has access to the Engage Process Platform and to which module. This can be set in the ‘Users & groups’ section within the Admin Center. By creating users and user groups, you immediately lay the foundation for authorisation on projects and the content of projects in the Engage Process Modeler.


Users and groups

At the top left of ‘Users & Groups’, you will find the buttons to create a new user or group.



Click on ‘New user’ to create a new user. Fill in the requested details. The password you create here will have to be changed by the user immediately after the first login.



The user name must be an e-mail address-like text. So the e-mail address does not necessarily have to exist.

If you create a generic Viewer account, don't forget to uncheck the box for ‘This user can change his/her password’.



Click ‘New group’ to create a new user group. A user group can be used to assign specific roles to multiple users at once or to assign a specific authorisation in the Engage Process Modeler. Once you have created the group, you can add users to a group in two different ways, namely:

  1. Click once on a user and on the right-hand side under ‘Groups’, click on the ‘Add / Remove’ button and again on ‘+ Add’. The rest is self-explanatory.
  2. Click once on a group and on the right-hand side under ‘Group members’ click the ‘Add / delete’ button and again on ‘+ Add’. The rest is self-explanatory.


Assigning licences to users

Within the Engage Process Platform, the following licences can be assigned to users:

  • Modeler: assigning this licence to a user gives the user access to the Engage Process Modeler as well as the Engage Process Viewer (App).
  • Viewer: granting this licence to a user gives the user access to the Engage Process Viewer (App).
  • Teamboard: granting this licence to a user gives the user access to the Engage Process Teamboard.


Assigning roles to users/groups

Within the Engage Process Platform, the following roles can be assigned to user and groups:

  • Subscription manager: users with this role assigned can view subscription details by clicking on the circle with the user's initials in the top right corner and selecting the ‘Your subscription’ option.
  • Dashboard user: users with this role assigned can access the Engage Process Dashboard. In our Dashboard module, you can see how often and effectively the Engage Process Platform is being used.
  • User manager: users with this role assigned have access to the Engage Process Admin Centre, but only its components:
    • Users & groups
    • Active sessions
    • Notifications
    • Deleted components
    • Approvals
    • Security
  • Approver: users with this role assigned can be designated in the Engage Process Admin Center and/or the Engage Process Modeler as an approver for one or multiple
  • Modeling manager: users with this role assigned are granted access to the Engage Process Admin Center, but only the components:
    • Step library
    • Icon Style
    • Templates
  • Project creator: users with this role assigned can create new projects in the Engage Process Modeler.
  • Publisher: users with this role assigned can access the Engage Process Publisher. In our Publisher module, you can, among other things, publish processes in the Engage Process Viewer. This also allows these users to publish a process directly from the Modeler into the Engage Process Viewer when this process has already been published once before, without the intervention of the Publisher.
  • Tables manager: users with this role assigned have access to the Engage Process Admin Center, but only the ‘Tables’ section. Here, central tables are created and managed, for e.g. roles and document. At ‘Tables’, additional fields can also be created within the Engage Process Platform.
  • Teamboard creator: users with this role assigned can also create their own boards within the Engage Process Teamboard.



Roles in italics for a user are roles obtained from one or more groups.