Introduction Modeler

The Engage Process Modeler is our oldest module within the current Engage Process Platform. It all started with the Modeler.


Over the years.....

In the 90s of the last century, the Modeler was our own tool to quickly and understandably gain insight into processes and workflows for our customers with the aim of automating (part of) the process. Even then, we used easy-to-understand icons to draw the process. Then we used icons based on traffic. A 'Choice' was a roundabout, a waiting moment a 'P' for parking space and a 'Stop' a STOP sign.

From the beginning, it was already possible to calculate processes mathematically, so that we could show our customers what they would save if we automated (part of) the process. Together with the customer, we mapped out the current process and we mapped out the future process ourselves. By comparing these two processes, the customer could see how much time it took them to recoup the investment and we actually made the business case clear.


When we realized that we had actually developed a very powerful tool, we started selling the Modeler to other organisations. First there was interest from large business consultancy firms and later from the internal business consultants, followed by the process improvers.


Now, we see that the Modeler is used in all layers of an organisation and can be used by all employees.


What can the Modeler be used for?

The Modeler can be used for:

  • Drawing processes.
  • Analysing processes (both visually and mathematically).
  • Facilitating a brainstorming session.


Who is the Modeler for?

The Modeler is used by the following types of users:

  • Process improvement teams
  • IT
  • Quality Control teams
  • Team leaders
  • Operational staff

*I.e. All relevant process stakeholders