What is the Engage Process Publisher?

Engage Process Publisher is a diagrams publication tool designed and developed by Engage. and is available as one of the components of the Engage Suite edition.

It is a web application written in HTML5 so it can run in all modern web browsers like Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. The data used by Engage Process Publisher are stored in the Engage repository in the cloud. It means that the work with this tool requires a constant connection to Internet.    


The  Engage Suite edition consists also of Engage Process Modeler and Engage Process Viewer tools.

Engage Process Modeler is a development tool where a modeler can map process diagrams, create brainstorm sticky notes and design overviews. All these diagrams can be exposed to the rest of the organization in the Engage Process Viewer.


There are two ways of making a diagram available for the users of Engage Process Viewer. A diagram can be shared by a modeler and then it is directly accessible in the Engage Process Viewer. It can also be submitted by a modeler for publication what makes it accessible in the Engage Process Publisher tool. Then, a publisher makes the diagram available in the Engage Process Viewer.



The Engage Process Publisher enables you to:

  • View the diagrams that are submitted for publication 
  • Adjust the layout of the published processes
  • Publish or Reject the diagrams submitted for publication 
  • Create a folder structure for the diagrams. This is how they will be visible in the Engage Process Viewer
  • Create and update overview diagrams
  • Determine who is authorized to view a specific published diagram 
  • Define the Engage Process Viewer settings
  • Define initial overviews for Engage Process Viewer users
  • Create a link for an Engage Process Viewer user to a specific diagram
  • Test Navigation between diagrams
  • Print and export diagrams
  • Import overview diagram 

If you have questions or comments, please send an email to support@engageprocess.com