Who gets notified by email when assigning someone to a work item/task?

One of the types of the teamboard fields is the User. This is a special enumeration field where the list of possible values consists of names of users authorized for the teamboard. This type of field is mainly used to assign a user to a work item or a task. In that case, Engage Process is sending a notification email to the assigned user informing him that another user has assigned him/her to a particular work item or a task. The notification is not sent if the user assigns himself to a work item or a task.


The notification is always sent automatically but the user can block the emails by adjusting his preferences. Also a User Manager can decide to block this kind of notifications for all users in the organizations using Engage Process Admin Center.


Only one field of the User type can trigger notifications. This is the field that you can find in configuration with additional comment as, for example, the field Assigned to below:




If you delete this field no field in the teamboard will have this feature anymore. Then, while creating a new field of the type User, you can decide if this is a notification field by checking the check box that appears in this situation.


