How do I save my work?

Engage Process will save your work automatically, here's how!

Automatic Saving and Versions

Engage Process Modeler saves your changes for you. It is done according to the following rules:

  • Results of all operations on the project structure (thus in the Project pane) are immediately saved in the cloud.
  • Changes made to a diagram or process options are not immediately saved. Instead, every 2 minutes the tool saves automatically all recently updated diagrams. They are also saved when the whole tool is closed. A process is also saved when its last diagram pane (including main diagram and subprocess diagrams) is closed.

This means that what is in the cloud is practically the same as what you see in the tool. So, if you made a mistake you cannot just close the tool hoping that your last change was not saved.

In addition to automatic saving there is still a possibility to save the current content of the edited diagrams on demand. Just press the Save button SaveButton in the top left corner of the tool.


If you want to revert changes you have two ways to do this. If a diagram or a project was not closed yet then the changes can be still undone using the Undo button UndoButton in the top left corner of the tool.

If you have already closed the project there is still a chance to return to the situation from the past because the Engage Process Modeler creates automatic versions for each project. You will find the explanation how it is done in Versions management and retrieval.

You can also create a project version on demand.