What are various version states of approving a process?

The following graph shows possible process version state transitions concerning the approval mechanism.


The currently Developed version can be directly Submitted for publication but only if not all processes must be approved in the organization. This Submitted version can be next either Rejected or Published by a publisher in Engage Process Publisher tool.

The Developed version can be submitted for approval and sent to Engage Process Viewer  as To be approved version. The approval procedure can be canceled by a modeler changing the To be approved version into the Archived one.

An approver, using Engage Process Viewer tool can change the To be approved version into the Rejected one. (Notice that Rejected by an approver is different than Rejected by a publisher.)

If all designated approvers have approved the version it is sent to the Engage Process Publisher  as Approved one and can be published there.

If at least one approver conditionally has approved the version and the other designated approvers (conditionally) have approved it then its state is changed into Conditionally approved. This allows a modeler to create an new improved version of the process and submit it for publication. Such version becomes Approved and can be published by a publisher. The Conditionally approved version becomes Archived then.

An approver who rejected the version or approved it conditionally can still change his mind and eventually approve it.

There can be only one version that is either in To be approved, or Conditionally approved or Rejected state. Submitting for approval of a given process is only possible if there is no other To be approved or Conditionally approved version of this process.

If there is a Rejected version and a new version is submitted for approval then the old Rejected version becomes automatically Archived (a user can also archive it manually).

If there is a Conditionally approved version and a new version is submitted for publication then the old Conditionally approved version becomes automatically Archived (a user can also archive it manually).